how to build a website

Responsibility for Safety

Version 04 - Issue Date: 01.10.2024


If you're not sure, it's probably not safe - stop and ask.
Let's all get home safely.

Everyone is responsible for Safety!

That means you, too. Because safety isn't something that "just happens" - it is something we need to work on and keep working at, every day.

Everyone must lead by example!

Always wear the correct PPE, follow the correct procedures, do not take shortcuts. If you see someone not doing the right thing, you should challenge them.


This is how we stay safe, protect
each other, and get home safely.

The shipboard leadership team need to actively promote a safe working environment, including promoting a strong health and safety culture onboard.

The Master
The Master is responsible for the implementation of the Safety and Environmental Protection Policy onboard the ship. They must ensure that Heads of Department maintain an up-to-date knowledge of relevant legislation, this safety management system and other pertinent information. If regulations or the system's contents change , the Master must ensure everyone who needs to know is made aware of the changes.
The Master is also responsible for ensuring that proper standards of health and hygiene are maintained throughout the vessel. Weekly checks must be conducted to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained, and any deficiencies found must be urgently rectified..
The Master is responsible for the safety of all onboard. This means that the Master has final responsibility for ensuring that all Life-Saving and Fire-Fighting Equipment is in proper working order and ready for immediate use at all times, as well as ensuring that the ship is in a seaworthy condition.

The Chief Engineer
The Chief Engineer is responsible to the Master for the promotion of safe and sound working practices within the Engineering Department.

The Chief Officer
The Chief Officer is responsible for the following:
• Recording incidents and dangerous occurrences.
• Maintaining accident reports and statistics.
• Supporting the Master to ensure that all safety equipment on board is maintained to a high standard.
• Promoting safe working practices (including the use of safety equipment and protective clothing).
• Monitoring safety standards by regular inspections.
• The health and safety of visitors and contractors.

Non Crew Members
The Chief Officer is responsible for ensuring that supernumeraries, visitors, technicians and contractors are instructed in the following points, whether the ship is at sea or in port. This information is also to be posted at the gangway: -
• The emergency alarm.
• Their emergency muster station.
• The use of protective equipment.
• Procedures for abandoning ship.


01.11.2023New header section added.
Amendment table added.
Page restructured for simplicity.
Language improved for clarity.
01.10.2024New Title
Wording improved.