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Company Emergency Team

Version 02 - Issue Date: 13.09.2022

The "Company Emergency Team" means the shore-based team responsible for supporting the ship in the event of an emergency. These people are required to help the ship in any way they can, and will often be the link between the ship and other people or organisations who can assist.

The Company Emergency Team is made up of:
    • Managing Director
    • The Ship Management Team

The Company provides the ship with details of all members of the Company Emergency Team. This information is available in MSMS and also on the G01 Form provided to the vessel.

In an emergency, the Master's first responsibility is to protect the ship and the crew. When they are able, they should contact any member of the Company Emergency Team and tell them what the situation is and what, if any, help they can provide.

When a Company Emergency Team receives such a report, they must immediately contact the Managing Director, or their deputy when unavailable.

The key role of the Company Emergency Team is to support the ship. To help them do this, they should try and obtain at least the following information:
    • Position / time
    • Course /speed
    • Weather and sea conditions
    • Nature of accident / incident
    • Brief details, injuries, damage etc.
    • Assistance required
    • Whether Authorities have been informed
    • Establish type of communications and reporting schedule

The Company Emergency Team is to consider how best to use this information to ease the workload of the ship during the emergency.

The Managing Director, or in their absence, their deputy will direct operations. This shall include advice, as appropriate, to effect damage repairs to hull and machinery, establish the availability of material and repair facilities and take such steps as required to provide urgent spares and equipment including marine contractors or work teams as required. The team will liaise with classification societies, coastal or port states and flag administrations as appropriate. The Team must not hesitate to seek external advice if this may help.

The Managing Director is responsible for advising and liaising with Owners, Insurers, P & I Club representative, cargo owners, as appropriate and any public relations or media releases. 

The Team must also consider the impact the emergency may have on families of those onboard, and should develop a plan to keep them updated about the situation.

Vessel details and drawings are to be held by the Company Emergency in an appropriate form and must include the following:
    • General Arrangement plan
    • Safety plan
    • Capacity plan
    • Shell Expansion plan
    • Piping & pumping diagrams
    • Stability File
    • Docking Plan

A ship-shore emergency drill must be held at least once every year.