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LSA Life-Saving &
FFE Fire-Fighting Equipment

Version 01 - Issue Date: 01.10.2024


The equipment provided for that purpose must be ready for use at all times, and crew need to be familiar with it.

All equipment provided for the purpose of:

- detecting an emergency situation,
- responding to an emergency situation,
- saving lives or providing medical care,
- evacuation of the ship

Is critical equipment. It must be maintained at all times to the standard required by the manufacturer, and be stowed properly ready for immediate use.

Any faults or failures must be reported to the Company as soon as they are observed. Faults or failures in these systems must be reported to Class and Flag.

Any faults or failures must be reported to the Company as soon as they are observed. Faults or failures in these systems must be reported to Class and Flag.

Generally, LSA and FFE, as well as detection equipment should generally only be isolated (put into a condition where it cannot operate as designed) in extremely limited circumstances. Any isolation should be as short as possible, comply with all relevant requirements and be planned to minimise risk.

Circumstances which might require isolation could include:

- Maintenance required by the manufacturer
- During training and drills
- During inspections by surveyors or other relevant authorities

Only the Master can authorise isolation of an LSA or FFE system. Any isolation which cannot be completed in a single working day requires approval from the Managing Director.

It may be necessary to isolate specific fire detection zones to enable hot work to be carried out. Isolation of fire detection zones should only be done for as short a time as necessary to complete the planned hot work.

Only the Master can authorise the isolation of a fire detection zone.

Any time a fire zone is isolated, a sign stating this must be placed on the fire alarm panel on the bridge. The OOW must be informed when the isolation starts and again when the isolation is completed.

If the work requiring isolation of a fire detection zone will take longer than a single working day, or if the work zone will be left unattended for any period of time, the zone must be reactivated when work is not actively being carried out.

If for any reason a zone cannot be re-activated by the end of the working day, the Company is to be informed.

