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Carriage of Documents

Version 03 - Issue Date: 01.11.2024


Logbooks record key events, certificates prove your right to sail and trade, handover notes make sure your relief is properly brought up to speed.

Records and logbooks can be maintained in either paper or (where regulations allow) digital format. In every case, digital records are preferred, and the Company will inform the ship which method is to be used for specific records.

All records must be suitably archived and available for inspection as required.

The ship is required to maintain an official logbook. Generally a flag specific template is required and will be provided to the vessel. In other cases, the Company and Master must check that the records kept are in line with the requirements of the Flag State.

For Dominica, the specific requirements relating to official logbooks are found in Circular CD-MSC 21-03. The requirements as at January 2024 are summarised below:

1 General
1. An Official Log Book is required on board Dominica vessels of 100 gross tons and over,
under the provisions of Commonwealth of Dominica International Regulations 2002,
Regulation 63 (2) (e).

2. Official Log Book must be opened and closed by the master, and be retained by the
authorized representative of the owner for a minimum period of five years. 

2 Entries
1. Every Master of a vessel shall make or cause that person in charge for keeping the
Official Log Book follows the instructions contained in the form, in order to perform
necessary entries.

2. Every Master of a vessel shall make or cause that the following entries, but not limited
to, are made in the Official Log Book:

.1 every offense and any penalty or fine imposed;
.2 every death occurring on board and every burial at sea, with all information
required by Section 186 of the International Maritime Act, 2000;
.3 every marriage taking place on board, with the names, citizenship and
residences of the parties, and every birth occurring on board, with the sex of
the infant and names of parents;
.4 the name of every seaman or apprentice who ceases to be otherwise than by
death, with the place, time, manner and cause thereof;
.5 wages due any seaman or apprentice who dies during the voyage, and the
gross amount of all deductions made therefrom;
.6 a statement of any collisions or allisions immediately after the occurrence or
as soon thereafter as practicable;
.7 before departing from any port, load line and draft information;
.8 time of muster of crew at their boat and fire stations, followed by drills,
respectively, at least once a week, either in port or at sea, or reason why not
.9 the closing and opening of watertight doors and of all inspections and drills
as required by Regulations of the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS) in force, as amended;
.10 drill of ship’s crew in the use of the line-throwing gun at least once every
three (3) months; but the actual firing of the gun shall not be required;
.11 search for stowaways and contraband, which search shall be conducted prior
to the vessel’s departure from each port;
.12 upon each change of Master, the information required under Regulation 59
of the International Maritime Regulations 2002. 

3 Format
This Circular provides a standard approved format, which can be printed, bound and used
without individual submission to the Maritime Administrator for approval.

4 Records
1. Owners shall maintain copies of their Official Log Books for five (5) years.
2. Dominica Maritime Administrator does not collect and store the Official Log Books. 

This is the working logbook and provides a daily record of the ship’s operation.

The information provided should include such things as:

Navigational particulars, e.g: port arrival /departure times, regular positions of the vessels, course alterations, weather & sea conditions, safety checks etc.

In-Port details, e.g: Cargo operations start/finishing times, delays, tonnages loaded; bunkering operations, safety checks, etc.

Any other notable event affecting the operation, the ship and its crew. It is important that the Logbook is accurately kept. It is an important official record of events.

Deck Logbooks must be retained for a minimum of five years.

This is the engine room working logbook and provides a daily record of the ship’s engineering operations. 

Entries should include information about the settings, parameters and monitoring results of the engines and other machinery onboard, details of watchkeeping and safety arrangements, tests and checks carried out, as well as any notable events such as failures or breakdowns and how they were dealth with.

Deck Logbooks must be retained for a minimum of five years.

An Oil Record Book is a statutory log required to be maintained onboard by MARPOL and is subject to inspection by port authorities. Errors, omissions or other incorrect entries can lead to severe penalties.

Every entry must be signed by the Officer in Charge of it, and every completed page must be signed by the Master.

The Oil Record Book is subject to review and audit by the Company.

Oil Record Books must be retained for at least three years after the last entry is made in it.

An Garbage Record Book is a statutory log required to be maintained onboard by MARPOL and is subject to inspection by port authorities. Errors, omissions or other incorrect entries can lead to severe penalties.

Every entry must be signed by the Officer in Charge of the operation, and every completed page must be signed by the Master.

The Garbage Record Book is subject to review and audit by the Company.

Garbage Record Books must be retained for at least two years after the last entry is made in it.

The Chief Engineer is required to maintain records of all fuels and other oils and lubricants taken, maintained and utilised on the vessel. After each bunkering, he is required to sent an updated tank disposition to the Company.

A Medical Logbook forms part of the Medical Kit and must record every case of illness or injury aboard the vessel, the nature of it and any treatment given, including the type and quantity of any drugs supplied.

It must also contain an inventory of the medicines and equipment contained in the kit.

All illnesses and treatments must be recorded in detail, stating the patient’s name, chronological sequence of symptoms and treatment given and counter-signed by the Master.

Medical logbooks must be retained for a period of three years.

The medicines and equipment inventory must be recorded as follows:
- Category / Medicine/Equipment Name / Quantity / Date / Expiry.

When treatment is administered it must be recorded as follows:-
Date / Patient Name / Ailment / Type & Quantity / Name and Signature of medical provider, counter-signed by the Master

MLC requires that every seafarer holds an individual Seafarer Employment Agreement. This agreement must comply with the requirements of the convention, providing all relevant details of the conditions of employment of the seafarer.

The content and form of such agreements will be approved by the Company, and any changes require the approval of the company,

The Master is to retain a signed copy of every Seafarer Employment Agreement, and the seafarer is to be provided with their own copy.

Damage sustained to the vessel, regardless of size or perceived importance, must be reported fully using SMMS. The report must include:
• Location
• Date / time of occurrence
• Weather conditions, etc., if applicable.
• Condition of vessel, draughts, whether loaded or light etc.
• Description of events or situation

Damaged equipment owned by a third party, such as a Stevedore, or contractor’s damage must
also be subject of an SMMS report and a statement of facts is to be sighted and signed by their representative.

All reports are to be treated as either HSE Events or Non-Conformities and handled in accordance with either section A08 or E04.

In general, all maintenance is to be recorded in SMMS against the relevant component as a "Work Report". Reports are to be completed as soon as possible after the work is carried out.

These Reports summarise data for the Ship Management Team and provide necessary feed back on engine performance, maintenance done and any defects on machinery. 

Handover notes provide continuity in the ship’s operation when crew change.

All Officers are required to complete handover notes no less than two weeks before they sign off the vessel and these are to be reviewed by the Master or Chief Engineer (as appropriate) and send to the shore team for a further review.

They should contain notes from the outgoing crew regarding the vessel’s performance, programme, ongoing repairs and maintenance, or any items that help to affect a smooth changeover, particularly when there is minimal time to affect a hand-over.

Handover notes are exchanged and signed by both the on and off signer at each hand-over. The signed copies must be saved in SMMS.

The Master’s Voyage Report must be completed in full at the end of each voyage and forwarded to the Office. It is intended to be a brief summary of the voyage to provide feedback on the ship’s operation, this system, and any other issues that may need addressing. It also provides an agenda for subsequent Master’s Meetings. Additional pages and other specific/ confidential reports can be attached.

The Company requires voyage end fuel and lubricant quantities remaining on board vessels to be forwarded to the office as soon as possible after each voyage end. Quantities are to be expressed in tonnes for fuel and in litres for lubricants.

When vessels are operated under time/voyage charter, special reporting instructions may be given.

The Master is responsible for ensuring that all required trading certificates are available onboard the vessel and maintained up to date. Original copies of all certificates are required unless otherwise advised by the Company.

The Master must maintain a certificate file and this is to be kept in their custody. They must check all required certificates monthly, and advise the shore team of any certificates due to expire (or requiring action) at least three months before that action must be taken.

Where a ship's certificate requires action to maintain it's validity, and that action has a window period for completion (eg. 90 days before or after the anniversary date), the Company requires that, other than in exceptional circumstances approved by the Managing Director, the survey or other action is completed before the anniversary date (i.e. the window period after the anniversary must not be used).

If a certificate is replaced or superseded by another certificate (either full term or short term), the previous certificate is to be considered as having been cancelled. Old or superseded certificates should not be retained in certificate folders under any circumstances.

It is also important to note that many certificate issuing authorities now include QR Codes for verifying the validity of a certificate.  Where such a code is provided, it is strongly recommended to check this code before filing the certificate to ensure it shows "valid".

A register of ships certificates is to be maintained in SMMS, using that systems dedicated certificates function.

Refer to the Revised list of certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships (FAL.2/Circ.127.MEPC.1/Circ.817 and MSC.1/Circ.1462).

Every crew member must have all required original certificates with them when they join the vessel, and the Master is required to check and confirm this in accordanc with the requirements of D01 and D03.

If the Master is unsure, or if there is any doubt as to the correctness of the certificates, the Master is to inform the Company immediately.

Manning Agency SRPS Certification
The Master is to ensure that copies of the SRPS Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service certification for all manning agencies is available (as a copy) onboard. These should  be uploaded to SMMS.


21.01.2024Wording updated and simplified.
SMMS introduced for reporting.
Section 01 Allowance made for digital records and logbooks.
Section 02 Official Logbook added.
Section 12 Requirement for handover notes to be sent two weeks before crew change added.
Section 15 Crew Certificates added (however refer to D01 for more information), including requirement to maintain SRPS certificates.
Section 14 Ships certificates amended to include the requirement that where a survey or audit is windowed, the survey or audit must be completed before the anniversary date (not using the window period after that).

01.11.2024B07.14 Updated. Revision requires Masters to ensure that superseded certificates are not to be kept in certificate folders. In addition, a recommendation to check certificate Verification QR Codes (where provided) is also added.