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The Company

Version 02 - Issue Date: 21.01.2024

The Company responsible for safety management is:

MyriadSea GmbH
Archplatz 2
8400 Winterthur

Company contact details:
Tel: + 41 78 636 12 30

For the purposes of Safety Management, MyriadSea GmbH is "The Company" (as defined by section 3.1 of the ISM Code) for all vessels to which this system applies. 

The Company holds a Document of Compliance issued by the Flag State of the vessel. The original of this document is required to be held at the Company headquarters, and a copy is required to be sent and kept onboard the vessel.

The Document of Compliance is subject to an annual audit by or on behalf of the Administration. A period of 90 days before and after the anniversary date is permitted for this audit to be completed, however the Company must arrange for the audit to be completed before the anniversary date (i.e. not using the 90 day window after the anniversary date), other than in exceptional circumstances reocorded by the Managing Director.


21.01.2024Section 02 Company Document of Compliance added.
This section states that the DOC annual audit must be completed before the anniversary date (not the window expiry).