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Shipboard Organisation


Version 02 - Issue Date: 13.09.2022

Shipboard Staff Job Descriptions are considered essential information. Crew, Office personnel, appointed Manning Agents of Crew Service Centres and all other relevant parties are to be fully aware of these Job Descriptions


The Management of all Shipboard Affairs & In-Charge of the Vessel

REPORTING TO:          
Ship-owner, Charterers, Office and Crew Employer

Chief Engineer, Chief Officer, Second Officer, Chief Cook, all crew (indirect)

LIAISE WITH:              
Shipboard Leadership Team

Duties and Responsibilities

The Master is to:

• Initiate and co-ordinate plans to meet operational objectives.

• Involve and familiarise ship staff in the formulation and execution of those plans.  

• Plan Shipboard training.

• Act as personnel executive to the Ship's Company and to promote their welfare.

• Participate in all Shipboard Meetings as a chairman of the Ship's Management team.

• Develop Port State Control inspection awareness and shipboard best-practice. 

The Master is the company’s representative and ultimate authority onboard. 

The Master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make any decision and take any action necessary to safeguard life, the vessel and to prevent pollution of the marine environment. For the sake of clarity, the Master is permitted to deviate from company policy or procedure for where this is necessary for safety of life, the ship, cargo or the environment. Should this right be exercised then at the first opportunity thereafter, the Master must validate his actions to the company in writing.

The Master shall report all Safety and Pollution Prevention issues to the Designated Person Ashore (DPA).


The Master is to:

• Monitor their own performance.

• Monitor and control expenditure according to agreed procedures.

• Ensure compliance with the law, Company policies, Instruction and all relevant national and international rules & regulations.

• Motivate the crew and ensure compliance with the Company's Safety Management System.

• Appraise the performance and potential of ship's staff according to agreed procedures.

• Look at various means to ensure all the Seafarer's Safety & Welfare issues are taken care of.

• Ensure that all operations related to cargo such as loading, discharging & transferring of spares are carried out with due diligence keeping the Owner's, Charterer's and Company's interest in mind.

• Ensure a safe, healthy and pleasant living environment onboard, ensuring the accommodation is clean and tidy and that crew quarters are functional and habitable at all times.


It is an integral part of the Master’s responsibility to command the confidence of the Ship's Staff with clear, firm guidance, exemplary personal conduct and through the fostering a congenial working and social environment.

Special Responsibilities 
In addition to the responsibilities defined above, the Master is to:

• Provide at all times for the safety of the ship, personnel and cargo.

• Promote Safe Working Practices and procedures among crew-members with the object of preventing personal injuries.

• Avoid pollution through strict compliance with all national and international rules and regulations such as MARPOL, SOLAS and Local Regulations in port.

• Ensure the successful execution of the voyage.

• Take overall charge in emergencies.

• Ensure that the vessel is, in every respect, provisioned and equipped for the planned voyage, and that the vessel is seaworthy and remains so.

• Familiarise himself with all aspects of the vessel and her equipment.

• Keep abreast of developments in the maritime industry, including changes to regulations that may affect the vessel.

• Assume overall responsibility for medical services onboard and ensure that all documentation associated with medical treatment is completed fully and accurately.

• Ensure the security of confidential material.

• Ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.

• Monitor and control the use and disposition of stores.

• Co-ordinate training practices and procedures on board the ship.

• Ensure a high standard of communication within the ship and between ship and shore, using all tools provided for this purpose to their best effect.

• Maintain discipline on board in line with company procedures.

• Undertake all formalities in connection with the ship's Articles of Agreement.

• Establish and maintain vessel security by ensuring that only bona fide visitors are permitted on board & by coordinating with the Company's appointed "Company Security Officer" for any other Security measures provided for by the ISPS Code & other similar provisions.

• Together with the Chief Engineer Officer, ensure that the vessel is maintained to a satisfactory operational standard.

• Where the Master is also appointed as the Ship Security officer, then they are responsible for the security of the vessel.

• Ensure the vessels trading certificates are valid, and to notify the Company in good time when surveys are required.

• Ensure ship is safely navigated at all times, having regard to COLREGS and other relevant rules and regulations

• Render assistance to other vessels in distress

• Periodically review the company SMS and notify the company of deficiencies found • Ensure that the certificates of personnel are valid for their role and the requirements of national and international legislation

• Ensure that the vessel is manned at least at the level required by the Minimum Safe Manning Document. The company must be notified in good time if this will not be achieved for any reason.

• Ensure that operations are carried out in line with the requirements of the SMS. • Represent the Owners, Charterers and the Company in all matters pertaining to the running of the ship.

• Ensure that all operations relating to cargo such as loading / discharging / transfer / securing / carriage are carried out with due diligence keeping the Owners, Charterers and Company's interests in mind.

• Verify that the Company's, Owner's and Charterer's requirements are observed.

• Request assistance in good time in an emergency to avoid danger to life, ship and environment.

• Report non-conformities, defects, accidents to personnel or equipment, PSC deficiencies, near misses and hazardous occurrences to the Company.

• Have close regard to the commercial and economic running of the ship.

• Submit correspondence, records, reports and documents in a timely manner as required by the Company or Government Agencies / Recognized Organizations in the conduct of the ship's affairs. 
• Maintain controlled documents.

• Carry out inspections of the vessel to ensure the health, welfare and sanitation of the crew.

• Carry out the various emergency, safety and security drills as required by the Company.

• Take steps to prevent fatigue amongst the crew during the ship's operation.

• Stand in as Ship Safety Officer for incident investigation in the event the appointed Safety Officer is unable to perform this duty through incapacity or involvement in the incident.

• Ensure the ship, her machinery and safety equipment are in good order at all times • Ensure the requirements of the planned maintenance system are met.

• To send a report of all current defects to the company on a weekly basis.

• Together with the Chief Engineer Officer undertake and complete the “Master & Chief Engineer 6 Monthly Inspection Report” and forward to the company.

• Personally accompany surveyors / inspectors around the Navigation Bridge, Accommodation, Galley, Fridges, Decks and Cargo Holds.

• Ensure that all alarm systems are functioning correctly. Where abnormal behaviours or defects are found, these are to be raised immediately in a Defect Report.



The ultimate responsibility for the safety of the ship and crew rests with the Master and nothing herein is to be construed in any way to relieve him of his full responsibility for the safe navigation of his ship and the efficient organization onboard.

The Master is responsible for the implementation of the company Safety and Environmental Protection Policy onboard the ship and will be accountable for any failure to comply with the regulations or operating procedures. The Master is responsible for motivating the crew to comply with the Company policy on safety, prevention of environmental pollution, and security. In matters of safety the Master has discretion to take whatever action he considers to be in the best interest of his ship, those onboard and the cargo.

Should an emergency situation develop, the Master must take such immediate action as he considers necessary, and keep the Company informed of the situation. The Master is responsible for ensuring that before proceeding to sea the ship is fully equipped and safe for the intended voyage. The requirements as regards stability, ballasting, stowage of cargo and passage planning are to receive his careful attention.

The Master is to exercise overall control and guidance to ensure the efficient maintenance and operation of the ship and the overall welfare, discipline and training of the ship's compliment.

Change of Command

When a change of command takes place, the Master must hand over all papers and documents concerning the ship to his successor. He must prepare hand over notes as per Company Procedures which are to be signed by both joining and leaving Masters. Entries regarding change of command detailing names, date, times and certificate numbers are to be recorded in the official log book.

If the Master is incapacitated the Chief Officer will assume command. This is to be recorded in the Official Log Book and the Company informed as soon as possible.

Standing Orders

On taking over command, the Master is to issue his own Standing Orders and instructions to supplement company instructions. 


To lead the Deck Dept. to maintain ship to required standards. Responsible to the Master for the safe and efficient loading, carriage, and discharge of cargoes, Navigational Watch-keeping, Safety and Security (if so appointed), protection of the environment, and ballast operations.


Second Officer, Third Officer, Bosun, Deck and other Ratings as appropriate

Other members of Shipboard Leadership Team

Duties and Responsibilities
The Chief Officer is to:
• Participate in the general planning of operations and maintenance.
• Control the detailed implementation of general operational planning for relevant area.
• Plan the daily activities of immediate subordinates.
• Participate as a member of the ship's management team.
• Implement safety policies and practices.
• Develop Port State Control inspection awareness and shipboard best-practice. 
• Proactively act as Training Officer for deck cadets and ratings, identifying training needs and recording training progress on a regular basis.
• Deputise for the Master when necessary.
• Assist the Master in carrying out the ship’s operations as per this system.
• Appraise the performance and potential of subordinates in accordance with agreed procedures. • If appointed as Ship Security officer, Responsible for Security of the Vessel.
• Be responsible for environmental management.
• Be responsible for ballast management.
• Be responsible for garbage management.
• Be responsible for keeping safe bridge watches at sea and at anchor in compliance with all relevant national and international regulations and the requirements of the company and this system.
• Assist the Master to ensure that the ship, her machinery and safety equipment and documents are in good order at all times.
• Assist the Master in ensuring a safe, healthy and pleasant living environment onboard, ensuring the accommodation is clean and tidy and that crew quarters are functional and habitable at all times.
• Assist the Master to maintain deck and safety equipment ensuring that all inventories are updated frequently after maintenance is carried out.
• Ensure that all check sheets and planned maintenance systems are completed as often as necessary.
• Ensure that soundings of all ballast, fresh water tanks, bilges and void spaces are carried out daily, records of these soundings to be kept and retained onboard.
• Ensure that records of overtime hours worked by all deck crew are maintained.
• Ensure that a high standard of cleanliness is maintained in accommodation alleyways and cabins. Generally responsible for promoting good housekeeping along with all other senior officers.
• Ensure that dangerous goods carried either in package or bulk form comply with the requirements of the IMDG Code / IMSBC Code and the vessel’s Document of Compliance for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods. All documentation must be produced in accordance with these codes prior to the commencement of loading. In the event that documents are missing then the cargo must be rejected and the Master and company are to be informed.

The Chief Officer is to command the confidence of the ship's company by example, by fostering good working and social relationships and also actively developing the abilities of his subordinates.

Special Responsibilities
In addition to the duties and responsibilities above, the Chief Officer is to:
• Effect all cargo operations and ensure all required documentation is prepared correctly.
• Control the quality of safe carriage of cargo.
• Ensure that the ship is ready in all respects to receive and discharge cargoes when required to do so.
• Observe all national and international statutory requirements with regard to pollution prevention.
• Ensure that the ship has adequate stability at all times, and to minimise stresses.
• Ensure that all the safety requirements are met during operations.
• Arrange safety and emergency exercises and drills and ensure that equipment is satisfactorily tested
• Keep and take charge of navigational watches as required by the Master.
• Maintain all LSA & FFA, Gas detection equipment in good order other than those explicitly assigned to the Engine Room.
• Carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Master.
• Ensure that all aspects of the Master's duties and responsibilities are fully understood.
• Take charge of mooring/unmooring operations as required.
• Assist with training of all members of the Ship's staff and identify the Training needs of Officers and Crew of the Deck department.
• Control and supervise crew members (Deck and Catering departments) as appropriate and assign work for them.
• Organise cargo watches and ship-keeping routines.
• Be accountable for the issue, control and requisitioning of all stores and spares in accordance with agreed procedures.
• Control ballasting and de-ballasting of vessel and to control the domestic water consumption and storage.
• Maintain the deck department records, plans, instruction manuals and other relevant documents.
• To act (if appointed) as ship's "Safety Officer, Security Officer & Environment Officer" in accordance with agreed procedures.
• To ensure vessel has sufficient Fresh Water for the projected voyage.
• To ensure no alarms remain active once identified. If the reason for any alarm being active cannot be ascertained or if the alarm does not reset once the issue has been resolved, the Chief Engineer is to be informed.



The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master for the general maintenance of the ship, crew discipline and welfare. All operations in connection with the carriage of cargo are also the responsibility of the Chief Officer in consultation with the Master.

He must ensure that a cargo plan is prepared for the proposed loading and that stability calculations are made for the intending voyage including departure and arrival calculations. It is his duty to ensure that all cargo spaces are properly prepared to receive the intended cargo and that all samples required or recommended for a particular cargo are taken to ensure that such cargo complies with all safety requirements for its carriage.

He must ensure that written "In Port" standing orders relating to cargo operations are issued so that no confusion concerning loading/discharging operations occurs.

If the Chief Office is in any doubt in any matter he is to report the matter in question to the Master immediately.

Safety Officer (nominally Chief Officer)

The ship's Safety Officer must make regular inspections of all spaces in the ship and monitor personnel working practices to ensure that no safety hazards exist. He is responsible to the Master for ensuring that:
• The maintenance of all safety, fire-fighting and LSA equipment on board is carried out to the required standard.
• The maintenance of all cargo gear is carried out to the required standard.
• All accidents and dangerous occurrences are reported and investigated and, where appropriate, preventive action recommended as per company procedures. 

The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring proper conditions of stability and stress are adhered to for docking and undocking.

Safety Committee: The Safety Officer is to ensure that Safety Committee meetings are held onboard at the required intervals. Minutes must be published and submitted to the Master for onward transmission to the Company using the standard Company form.

Cargo: The Safety Officer is responsible to the Master for the safe stowage, loading, carriage and discharge of cargo and compliance with Charterers instructions regarding the cargo. They shall make a report to the Master prior to each and every departure, and confirm that the condition of the ship meets all the requirements of the Stability Booklet and will continue to do so throughout the forthcoming voyage. He is responsible for the organisation of cargo work and for tank/ hold cleaning and will direct Junior Officers accordingly. Safety Regulations for cargo must be strictly enforced and at no time are risks to be taken which might endanger the ship or the safety of the ship's company. He is responsible for liaising with the Chief Engineer with regards to machinery requirements for cargo operations. On Tankers it is the Chief Officer's responsibility to ensure that a safe and efficient connection is made at the cargo manifold on the ship before pumping operations commence. The Chief Officer is also responsible for maintaining cargo bilges free from oil and/or water.

Deck Machinery: The Chief Officer is to inform the Chief Engineer of any defect or failure of Deck and Cargo handling equipment.

Steering Gear: The Chief Officer, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer Officer, must satisfy himself that the steering gear is working efficiently after any repair or overhaul has been carried out and prior to departure from every port.

Pollution Prevention: The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master for ensuring all adequate anti-pollution measures are in operation as required by all relevant national and international regulations. He is to liaise with Chief Engineer with regards to stability and stress when bunkering.  

Being the Navigation Officer and Navigational Watch-keeping Officer and to assist in the safe and efficient cargo operations and carriage of cargoes.

Master, Chief Officer.

Duties and Responsibilities
• Passage planning.
• Assist Chief Officer with operational planning.
• Support the shipboard organisation.
• Back up for Chief Officer when necessary.

Special Responsibilities
• Take charge of a navigational watch at sea and anchor, a cargo watch and/or ship-keeping duties as required by the Master or his deputy.
• Ensure that the most recent edition of all navigation publications and charts are on board for the intended voyage and that they are corrected up-to-date.
• Take charge of mooring/unmooring or anchoring operations as required.
• Maintain all navigational equipment e..g Gyro Compass and repeaters, Course recorder, Weather Fax, Auto-Pilot, Log and other operational equipment, to a fully operational standard.
• Assist with hold cleaning.
• Observe all statutory regulations with regard to Pollution Prevention.
• Carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Master / Chief Officer.
• Assist the Chief Officer in the training of Deck Cadets and/or Ratings.
• Assist the Chief Officer in carrying out the ships operations as per SMS.
• Assist the Chief Mate in maintaining the maintenance records.
• Any alarms found active continuously during your watch are to be reported to the Chief engineer.
• Act as the Medical Officer on board, in charge of Hospital & Medical locker, and treatment of patients under the guidance of Master.
• Assist the Master in clerical, accounting and paper work as required.
• If appointed as Safety Officer: carry out such duties as outlined within the paragraph headed "Ships Safety Officer" in the Chief Officer Job Description above.
• Participate & Co-ordinate in Drills as required.
• Assist the OOW Deck (Safety) in carrying out his/her duties as required. 

To act as Navigational Watch-keeping Officer and to be responsible for upkeep of lifesaving and safety equipment. To assist in the safe and efficient cargo operations and carriage of cargoes.

Master & Chief Officer.

Duties and Responsibilities
• Keep life-saving appliances and fire-fighting equipment in a constant state of readiness and carry out and record regular inspections, under the delegated authority of the Master
• Ensure that security equipment is maintained in good order and readily available.
• Maintain weather monitoring equipment and to compile weather logs and data for submission to shore authorities.
• Support the Shipboard organization.
• Back-up for the OOW Deck (Navigation) when necessary.

Special Responsibilities
• Take charge of a navigational watch, cargo watch and/or ship-keeping duties as required by the Master or his deputy.
• Assist the Second Officer with the updating of navigational publications.
• Take charge of mooring/unmooring operations as required.
• Assist with hold cleaning.
• Observe all national and international regulations with regard to pollution prevention.
• Assist Chief Officer with cargo documentation.
• Collect and despatch duplicate pages from Bridge Log Book and any other navigational documents.
• Carry out additional duties as per instruction received from Master / Chief Officer.
• Control and maintain flags, shapes and visual and sound signalling equipment.
• Assist the Master to maintain Onboard Instructions for LSA/ FFA equipment to the required standard. These instructions should normally contain (but not be limited to): Inspection checklist(s), Maintenance/ repair instruction(s), Maintenance schedule(s), Lubrication/ Lubricant Diagram(s) (if applicable), list of replaceable parts etc.
• Responsible for the management of the ship's Technical Library.
• Responsible for the control of films, videos etc., used for training.
• Carry out other duties as required by the Master.
• Assist the Chief Officer in carrying out the ships operations as per SMS.
• Assist the Master in clerical, accounting or paper work as required.
• Assist the Master with maintaining the records with the equipment and maintenance thereof.
• Any alarms found active continuously during your watch are to be reported to the Chief engineer
• Participate & Co-ordinate in Drills as designated.
• Assist the OOW Deck (Navigation) in carrying out his/her duties as required. 

The responsibility for clerical matter lies with the Master, and the following notes are for guidance only.

The Master may delegate duties as shown immediately below or as per his own requirements. Should the Master choose to delegate according to his own preference the relevant officers are to be advised in writing of their allocated duties.

GMDSS accounting
Cash Advance List
Expenses on Time Charterer's Account Masters Cash Account
Monthly / Final Wage / Payroll Account Slop chest Account
Customs Forms / Personal Effects List Maritime Health Declaration
Monthly Provision Account / Provision Inventory Stores List
Vaccination List

Second Officer:
Correction of Radio Lists & Publications
Monthly Account of Communication
Radio Logbook

The responsibility for the foregoing rests with the Master, and suitable training must be given to any officer allocated responsibility for carrying out any of the duties.

The vessel's complement and trading requirements will have to be considered prior to allocation of duties.   

Deck Cadets will be assigned duties to as are best suited to their professional advancement. They report to the Chief Officer.

Cadets are to be allocated suitable time for study, but will otherwise perform all duties as directed by the Chief Officer.

Duties may include, but are not limited to:
• Participating in any shipboard activities or functions including the handling of stores, the preparation and operation of cargo gear and any other tasks required by the Chief Officer.
• Performing support duties when berthing, unberthing and anchoring the vessel, rigging accommodation ladders, pilot ladders and gangways etc.
• Forming a part of the navigation watch under the command and supervision of the Officer of the Watch.
• Steering the vessel and understanding wheel orders given by pilots in English.
• Standing a deck watch during cargo operations following the Duty Officer and Chief Officer’s orders.
• Assisting in the work of Deck Ratings and Officers to gain experience.
• Reporting immediately any damage and irregularities.
• Any other task as directed by the Master or Chief Officer.

Training & Reporting
• Cadets must request training if required for their ongoing professional development and competence.
• Cadets must request advice on matters of safety and pollution prevention from the Chief Officer or any other officer whenever necessary to ensure their own safety.
• Deck Cadets report to the Chief Officer, however If assigned to a navigational or cargo watch for any reason they report to the OOW.

Cadets are expected to approach all tasks and duties assigned them with an open, curious mind and to ask questions to continuously develop their own levels of competence. They are to take steps to actively guide their training, seeking out learning opportunities and experiences.

To personally perform, and/or lead those ratings assigned to him in the performance of, any agreed tasks allotted to him, and to monitor the results.

Master through Chief Officer.

Members of the Shipboard Leadership Team.

Duties and Responsibilities
Where appointed, the bosun will:
• Assist the Chief Officer in operational and maintenance planning.
• Support the shipboard organisation and safety organisation.
• Be responsible to the Chief Officer for the effective deployment, including timekeeping, of ratings assigned to him for operations and maintenance.
• Ensure that safe working practices are followed at all times.
• Carry out assigned tasks and take charge when required during mooring, unmooring, anchor work, shifting ship.
• Supervise and assist with the rigging and use of lifting gear on deck and in the Engine Room as required.
• Supervise and assist with hold/tank cleaning, washing, preparation, ballasting and de-ballasting.
• Assist Officers when and where required during cargo, bunkering or berthing operations.
• Assign ratings to supervise, handle and stow stores and spare gear.
• Be responsible for the operation, care and maintenance of specialised equipment e.g. grit-blaster, sprayer etc.
• Carry out and be responsible for the maintenance of cordage e.g. boat and pilot ladders life-raft ladders, gangways and nets, safety harness, gantlines, bosun's chairs, stages etc.
• Be responsible for the repair and maintenance of mooring ropes, wires and running gear.
• Develop own knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes and those of subordinates - with the emphasis on acquiring additional skills.
• Carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Master / Chief Officer / Duty Officer.
• Assist with and participate in all aspects of safety training.
• Obtain and maintain a close working knowledge of policies and regulations on all aspects of shipboard work.
• Control certain stores, particularly those stowed in the Deck Storerooms and Workshops.
• Have particular involvement in the security of the ship, its equipment, tools, stores and outfit.
• Assist the Chief Officer to maintain an inventory of the lashing gear and carry out maintenance of them as per the maintenance schedule.
• Carry out a routine of sounding of holds, bilges, tanks and spaces as required; and record the results of those measurements.
• Understand and comply with Company's Policy on Safety and Pollution Prevention & motivate the crew.
• Compile daily overtime sheets for the deck crew.
• Assist with maintaining discipline among crew, looking after their welfare and advise the Master regarding crew morale.
• Coordinate in conductance of Drills as designated.  

To personally perform, and/or lead those ratings assigned to him in the performance of, any agreed tasks allotted to him, and to monitor the results. To steer the vessel while on bridge watch under guidance of the Officer on Watch on bridge.

Master, Chief Officer & Bosun (where appointed).

Members of the Shipboard Leadership team.

Duties and Responsibilities
• Form part of a navigational watch as required.
• Assist in the preparation of tanks or hatches to receive cargo.
• Assist during mooring or anchoring stations.
• Assist in cargo operations or cargo related matters.
• Assist in the various maintenance related activities as directed by the Bosun/ OOW Deck/ Chief Officer.
• Strictly observe all safety regulations.
• Report anything which appears adverse to the safety of operations.
• Know the location and use of all firefighting and lifesaving equipment.
• Attend boat and fire drills, other safety and professional training as required/ directed.
• Maintain a high standard of discipline and behaviour.
• Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness.
• Impart knowledge to and assist in the training of junior deck ratings.
• Participate fully, as and when required, in any shipboard activity or function regardless of vessel's location, including the moving of stores, the preparation of cargo holds, handling of cargo gear, maintenance of lashing gear, overhauling machinery, handling cargo gear and assisting in repairs and any other operations or maintenance projects as required and ordered by the Bosun/ Officer in Charge.

To personally perform, and/or lead those ratings assigned to him in the performance of, any agreed tasks allotted to him, and to monitor the results.

Master, Chief Officer & Bosun (where appointed).

Members of the Shipboard Leadership Team

Duties and Responsibilities
• Strictly observe all safety regulations.
• Report anything which appears adverse to the safety of operations.
• Know the location and use of all firefighting and lifesaving equipment.
• Attend boat and fire drills, other safety and professional training as required/ directed.
• Maintain a high standard of discipline and behaviour.
• Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness.
• Assist in the handling of mooring ropes, accommodation ladders, pilot ladders and gangways.
• De-scaling with pneumatic and electric driven devices, and the priming and painting of shipboard surfaces including procedures concerning special coatings.
• Rigging of derricks and lifting gear, stages and understudying all machinery maintenance, repair and overhaul.
• Preparation of hatches, tanks, tank cleaning and de-sludging.
• Standing a lookout, steering the vessel under supervision.
• Understudying the work of senior ratings in order to gain experience and to qualify for promotion.
• Assist in the preparation of tanks and hatches to receive cargo.
• Assist at mooring or anchor stations.
• Assist in cargo or cargo related matters as required.
• Assist in various maintenance related activities as directed by the Bosun/ OOW Deck/ Chief Officer. 

The Cook is responsible to the Master / Chief Officer for the administration, supervision and economical use of the ship's provisions and for the monitoring of overtime hours of Catering staff.

In charge of the Catering Dept on board and is responsible for the efficient running of the on board Catering Department.


Members of the Shipboard Leadership Team

Duties and Responsibilities
• Upon joining the vessel, the Cook is to report to the Master / Chief Officer and will then ascertain that all stores recorded as "stock in hand" by the Cook being relieved are on board in the quantity and quality described. He is to report any deficiencies to the Master through the designated officer.
• Responsible to the Master for the efficient running of the Catering Department on board.
• In charge of the allocation of tasks to Mess-men (where appointed).
• Supervision of staff during working hours, and verification that tasks are performed according to instructions.
• The preparation of daily menus.
• Preparation of food. (as per set standards/parameters)
• Ensure galley, pantries, provision/general storerooms are kept clean and tidy at all times.
• Ensure mess rooms, officer's accommodation, alleyways and all public rooms are kept clean and tidy at all times.
• Control the issue and storage of all food items.
• Prepare orders for stocks of food.
• Control food wastages & help in maintaining food budgets as per instructions of the Master.
• To physically undertake & prepare month end provisions inventory and meal reports and submit to the Master for forwarding to the company.
• To ensure that sufficient food stock and other provisions are maintained on board for a particular voyage, or length of time.
• Control and issue bonded stores as per Master's instructions (if any).
• Be in attendance in saloon during officer’s meal hours.
• Supervise the proper storage of food provisions, general hardware and cleaning materials.
• Supervise the disposal of garbage from Galley and provision store rooms, following disposal requirements .
• Carry out any other tasks, as may reasonably be required, by the Master.
• Be fully conversant with all firefighting and prevention equipment in the galley/store rooms & own emergency responsibilities.
• Be familiar with all aspects of the ship’s SMS.
• Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene at all times, both in the working environment and the accommodation.
• Proper care, control and use of both dry and refrigerated stores.
• Maintenance of a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene throughout the galley and related compartments and the prevention of infestation.

The Steward or Mess-man is to maintain the highest standard of personal hygiene, both in the working environment and throughout the accommodations. They are to demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour and discipline in accordance with the responsibility assigned to his position.

Assisting the Cook in food preparation, housekeeping of galley, pantry, Mess room & Smoke room, cabins as assigned to him by the Master.

Master & Cook.

Members of the Shipboard Leadership Team

Duties and Responsibilities
• As a member of the Catering Department, the Mess man assists in maintaining cleanliness of ship's accommodation as directed.
• Responsible to the Cook for proper execution of assigned tasks.
• Maintain a high standard of cleanliness in Officers mess room, pantries, alleyways, public rooms and officers’ quarters.
• Set dining tables before mealtimes. Serving of meals and other food and responsible for clearing same after meals.
• Attend to Officers/Ratings (as applicable) during mealtime.
• Wash dishes, and secure them properly in a safe manner.
• Dispose of garbage according to instructions from the Chief Officer / OOW Deck.
• Assist in the storing of food, and general provisions and inventories of same.
• Assist the Cook in meal preparation as required.
• Carry out laundry tasks as required.
• Other tasks as may be reasonably required by the Cook/ Master.
• Be conversant with all safety installations on board ship with particular emphasis on catering spaces.
• Be familiar with emergency responsibilities.
• Be familiar with all aspects of the SMS.
• Support the Master in the control and maintenance of Linen & Cleaning materials and recording of stocks.
• Clean kitchen and pantry utensils and pantry spaces as required.
• Issuing of cleaning materials and the preparing of requisitions for replenishment of stocks.
• Report any deficiencies to the designated Officer.

Note: Where a Steward/Messman is not carried, the responsibility for the above duties falls to the Cook. 

Shipboard Staff Job Descriptions are considered essential information. Crew, Office personnel, appointed Manning Agents of Crew Service Centres and all other relevant parties are to be fully aware of these Job Descriptions.  

The effective management of technical and associated resources on board and the maintenance of those resources.


Engineer Officers and Ratings.

Ship's Management Team.

Duties and Responsibilities
• To develop and control plans for the maintenance of technical installations and equipment throughout the ship.
• To participate as a member of the Ship's Management Team.
• To direct the deployment of the workforce in close consultation with the Second Engineer.
• Develop Port State Control inspection awareness and shipboard best-practice. 
• To appraise the performance and potential of ship's staff in accordance with agreed procedures. • Ensure vessel is adequately bunkered for the projected voyage.
• In charge of bunkering operations.
• To ensure the engine room and other machinery spaces are maintained in a high state of cleanliness at all times, with all spares and stores properly stowed.
• To ensure that all engine and machinery spaces are maintained in a healthy, hygienic manner that ensures the safety and wellbeing of all onboard.
• To promote best-practice and excellence among all crew.

To command the confidence of the ship's staff by firm guidance, exemplary personal conduct and by fostering a congenial working and social environment.

Special Responsibilities

• To advise the Master on matters pertaining to seaworthiness of the vessel, with special regard to technical installations and equipment.
• To provide for the safety of personnel whilst operating and maintaining technical installations and equipment.
• To take charge in emergencies involving machinery, advising the Master.
• To ensure, in conjunction with the Master, that the vessel only leaves port when fully ready in all respects and fully sea worthy.
• To be fully familiar with condition of the hull and machinery.
• To ensure that the ships operations are carried out as per the SMS.
• Maintain the Planned Maintenance System and complete all relevant documentation. Inform all Deck and Engineer Officer of the upcoming maintenance. Assist the Master to send the weekly update file.
• Carry out (when in possession of the appropriate Certification) survey work according to the Classification Society regulations.
• Ensure optimum efficiency in the use of fuel, lubricating oil and stores.
• To ensure all local, national and international laws, regulations, directives and rules in relation to the prevention of pollution to the environment are complied with at all times.
• Ensure that all persons engaged on maintenance work follow safe working practices and are effectively engaged.
• Complete and compile technical documentation in accordance with Company procedures.
• Deal with shore contractors in accordance with agreed policy.
• Participate in Drills as relevant to the responsibility assigned in this regard. 
• The Chief Engineer will always personally accompany the surveyor / PSA and Flag State Inspector around the Ship the engine room and machinery space.
• Together with the Master undertake and complete the “Master & Chief Engineer 6 Month Inspection Report”. On completion, report to be forwarded to the company.


• The Chief Engineer is responsible to the Master and the Company for the efficient and economical operation of the Engine Department. His primary responsibility must always be the safe operation of all machinery, safe working practices within his Department and the safety of the ship. He is responsible for the well-being, training and discipline of all members of his Department. The Chief Engineer is to ensure that the Company's Regulations affecting the Engine Department are followed.
• The Chief Engineer is to ensure that all orders issued to him by the Master are executed, and is to inform him about all important matters related to the Engine Department.
• The Chief Engineer will advise the Master on the planning requirements for the maintenance of machinery.
• The Chief Engineer is responsible to the Master for the final decision that the engines are available for UMS (Unattended Machinery Spaces) operation where provided.
• The Chief Engineer is responsible for all alarms on board the vessel. He is to ensure daily that all alarms are in service. If an alarm needs to be put out of service or “off scan” for an extended period a defect report is to be raised and the company informed. If an alarm is taken out of service for any reason and cannot be reinstated at the end of the working day the company is to be informed.

• The Chief Engineer is to be present in the Engine Room when the ship is entering or leaving port, or when working to orders from the Bridge.

• The Chief Engineer is responsible for the proper working of, and all repairs to, the main engine, propeller, boilers and auxiliaries, deck machinery, including winches, windlass and ventilation fans, air conditioners, cargo pumping plant, hotel services, and all electrical equipment, except radio and navigational aids. In addition he is to maintain in good working order, all lifeboat motors, galley and pantry equipment, steam, electrical or fuel connections and/or machinery, laundry machinery, refrigerating machinery and domestic refrigerators.

• The Chief Engineer is to ensure that the machinery is operated at maximum efficiency in order to maintain the current Charter Party performance requirements or voyage schedules. Where operational difficulties occur affecting the machinery performance, a detailed report of these and the remedial action to be taken is to be forwarded to the Company at the earliest opportunity. In the event of serious difficulties, the Company is to be advised by the quickest means possible i.e. SatCom, telex, telephone etc. Repairs to auxiliary machinery not essential to the propulsion of the ship are to be carried out at sea as far as practicable. The Chief Engineer is to exercise the utmost control over repairs and maintenance in order to ensure maximum economy consistent with safe and efficient operations.

• The Chief Engineer Officer is to ensure that all sea connections are closed up and in working order before the ship leaves dry-dock, and is to report this fact to the Master or, in his absence, to the Officer-in-Charge before water is admitted to the dry-dock.

• Following completion of periodical overhauls and before the ship sails after repairs if required and feasible, a dock trial is to be made of all machinery and the result reported to the Master and Office.

Duty on Joining 

On joining the ship, the Chief Engineer must make an examination of the plant including pumping and deck machinery. Any mechanical limitations or machinery defects should be reported to the Company in writing at the first opportunity.

A handover report is to be agreed and signed by both the relieved and relieving Chief Engineers.

Supervision of Maintenance
As the Chief Engineer is in overall charge of all maintenance work on the machinery in the Engine Room and on Deck, he is, at his own discretion, personally to supervise maintenance.

Chief Engineer’s Standing Orders
The Chief Engineer is to issue his own Standing Instructions to supplement Company Regulations.

Daily report to Master
The Chief Engineer is to give the Master a report at noon each day (such as a noon chit) showing speed on engines, percentage of slip, fuel consumption and quantity of fuel remaining.

The Chief Engineer is responsible to the Master for ensuring that adequate bunkers are on board, of sufficient quality and quantity with safe margin for the next voyage as per Company's procedures. Prior to bunkering operations the Chief Engineer is to personally check that the correct setting of lines and valves is made prior to commencement of bunkering. The Chief Engineer is responsible to the Master for ensuring that the relevant sections of the Oil Record Book are correctly maintained.

Steering Gear
• The Chief Engineer is responsible for the efficient working condition, repair and upkeep of the steering motor and gear.
• After any repair or overhaul the steering gear is to be tested in the presence of the Chief Engineer and the Chief Officer who, together, are to satisfy themselves that it is working efficiently. An entry to this effect is to be made in the Engine Room Log Book.
• Before entering or leaving port and approaching confined waters, the steering gear is to be tested thoroughly and an entry to this effect is to be made in the Engine Room Log Book and the Deck Log Book.
• Whilst at sea, in addition to the Watch keeper's examination of the steering gear before every watch or every four hours, the Chief or his immediate subordinate Engineer is to examine the, Steering Gear closely every day and note such examinations in the Engine Room Log Book.

Note: Not withstanding to above, the Chief Engineer can if required, reallocate the duties and responsibilities if situation so demands, however this does not relieve him of the associated responsibility. 

The management of watch-keeping in the engine room and related areas under the UMS system or when manned, including ship-keeping routines in port or when at anchor. The organisation of all technical maintenance relating to ship's installation and equipment.

Chief Engineer.

Third Engineer, Fourth Engineer, other Engineers and Engineer Cadets/ Trainees (when carried), Ratings as appropriate.

Other members of the Ship's Management Team.

Duties and Responsibilities
• To participate in the general planning of maintenance and operations.
• To control the detailed implementation of the general plans in appropriate areas.
• To plan the activities of his immediate subordinates.
• To serve as a member of the Management Team.
• To implement safety policies and practices.
• Develop Port State Control inspection awareness and shipboard best-practice. 
• To act as Training Officer for any Engineer Cadets/Ratings.
• To deputise for the Chief Engineer when necessary.
• To appraise the performance of immediate sub-ordinates and Engineer Cadets and report same to Chief Engineer.
• To assist the Chief Engineer to carry out the ship operations as per Company SMS. The Check lists and Forms are used where ever they are needed to be used.
• To assist with any Planned Maintenance System and its documentation. To ensure that all relevant engineers do the maintenance of Machinery and all Safety machinery. All machinery stores inventories are up dated frequently.
• Leadership
• To command the confidence of the ship's staff by example, by fostering good working and social relationships and by developing the abilities of his sub-ordinates.
• To ensure the engine room and other machinery spaces are maintained in a high state of cleanliness at all times, with all spares and stores properly stowed.
• To ensure that all engine and machinery spaces are maintained in a healthy, hygienic manner that ensures the safety and wellbeing of all onboard.
• To promote best-practice and excellence among all crew.
• To maintain overtime records for all engine crew.

Special Responsibilities

• To effect all maintenance of machinery and allied equipment and to control its quality, taking charge personally as necessary.
• To advise Chief Engineer on matters pertaining to seaworthiness of vessel at all times. To ensure that the ship is ready in all technical respects for any operational requirement.
• To carry out maintenance of fixed safety equipment, including the CO2 flooding system in accordance with Company and manufacturer instructions.
• To ensure that all safety requirements are met during maintenance.
• To participate as required in watch-keeping and the organisation of engine room watches; and to implement and monitor operations under the Unmanned System (where fitted). To carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Chief Engineer
• To familiarise himself with Engine room and Deck machineries.
• To understudy the Chief Engineer.
• To develop himself for promotion to Chief Engineer by acquiring flexibility of attitude and management skills necessary to promote progress.
• To assist with training of all members of the Ship's Staff.
• The day-to-day control and supervision of Engine-room Ratings as necessary, ensuring safe practices and procedures are followed.
• To control and record the use of spare gear and update the SMMS inventories.
• To control the stores and spares utilised in maintenance tasks relating to the technical installation and equipment.
• To observe all statutory requirements with regard to pollution prevention
• Other duties as required by the Chief Engineer. 
• To participate in Drills as relevant to the responsibility assigned in this regard.
• The Second Engineer is to ensure all alarms are operational and in service daily. Alarms out of service or Off scan is to inform Chief engineer. Ensure that the daily Alarm out of Service list is correct and updated.

The Second Engineer is directly responsible to the Chief Engineer for the overhauling of, and repair work to, the main engine, boilers, auxiliaries, electrical equipment, deck machinery, cargo pumping plant, lifeboat motors, emergency fire pumps and emergency generator. He is also responsible for all laundry, galley and pantry machinery and steam and oil fuel connections. They are to liaise closely with the Chief Officer in day-to-day matters affecting the Deck Department.

When the Chief Engineer is absent or indisposed, the Second Engineer will assume his duties and take charge of the Engine Department.

The Second Engineer is directly responsible to the Chief Engineer for setting up the main machinery and ensuring all safety and alarm systems are functional prior to engines being placed on standby or conventional or UMS (Unattended Machinery Spaces) operations.

The Second Engineer must keep a full record of overhauling and repair work carried out and of all gauging and boiler water tests. These records are to be presented at regular intervals to the Chief Engineer for his signature. He is responsible for the cleanliness and general order of the Engine Room and for the proper and economical use of all stores, tools and spare gear, an inventory of which he will keep.

The Second Engineer is in charge of Engine Room staff, and is to see that the Chief Engineer's instructions are carried out by efficient organisation and is to direct the Engine Room staff accordingly.

He must keep the Chief Engineer fully informed about the progress of maintenance and repair work, running of machinery, conduct and ability of the staff, and is to report immediately to him any unusual or extraordinary occurrences in the Engine Room.

Other duties will include:
• The proper completion of the Engine Room Log Book,
• The correct setting of valves and lines prior to loading lubricants.

Duty on joining
On joining the Ship, the Second Engineer must make thorough examination of the ER plant including pumping and deck machinery and check all maintenance records. Any mechanical limitations or machinery defects should be reported to the Chief Engineer.  

Management of an engine room watch, maintenance of machinery, equipment and structure, assisting with Engineer Cadet training.

Second Engineer

Duties and Responsibilities
• Ensuring that the areas of the vessel he/she is responsible for comply with Company requirements for ISO 14001 and any national or international regulations, rules, directives or instructions.
• Keeping an engine room watch at sea and in port, as directed by the Chief Engineer
• The maintenance of machinery as directed by the Chief Engineer/Second Engineer.
• Testing and recording of boiler water and engine cooling water samples.
• Maintaining records of all repairs and preventive maintenance carried out to machinery and equipment as directed by the Chief Engineer/ Second Engineer
• Assisting in the preparation of requisitions for replenishment of spare parts and materials.
• Understudying the Second Engineer.
• To assist the Chief Engineer in carrying out the ships operations as per the SMS.
• To ensure that during the watch all alarms are in service and operating correctly. If an alarm is required to be taken out of service or “off scan” the Chief Engineer is to be informed and the details of the alarm are to be entered in the “Daily Alarm Out of Service” list.
• To participate in Drills and training as directed and required.
• To ensure the engine room and other machinery spaces are maintained in a high state of cleanliness at all times, with all spares and stores properly stowed.
• To ensure that all engine and machinery spaces are maintained in a healthy, hygienic manner that ensures the safety and wellbeing of all onboard.
• To promote best-practice and excellence among all crew.

This system considers only the rank "OOW Engineer", however the ship is permitted to use "traditional" titles such as Third Engineer and Fourth Engineer. The Company does not distinguish between these positions, it is for the Chief Engineer to allocate specific responsibilities.

To manage the operation and maintenance of electrical plant and electronic equipment. To assist with watch-keeping duties as required.

Chief Engineer

Duties and Responsibilities
• To participate in the planning of electrical/electronic maintenance.
• To plan all duties and jobs assigned to him.
• To support the shipboard organisation.
• To support the Chief Engineer in carrying out the Planned Maintenance System by carrying out maintenance of the electrical equipment as required.
• To assist the Chief Engineer in carrying out the ships operations as per the SMS.
• To ensure the engine room and other machinery spaces are maintained in a high state of cleanliness at all times, with all spares and stores properly stowed.
• To ensure that all engine and machinery spaces are maintained in a healthy, hygienic manner that ensures the safety and wellbeing of all onboard.
• To promote best-practice and excellence among all crew.

Special Responsibilities
• To carry out all electrical maintenance and to control its quality.
• To operate the electrical Planned Maintenance System.
• To ensure the ship is ready in all electrical aspects for all operational requirements.
• To diagnose electrical faults, take remedial action and to report effectively.
• To be present in the Engine room during manoeuvre unless instructed otherwise by the Chief Engineer.
• To carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Chief Engineer / Second Engineer.
• To be familiar with the work of the Engineer Officers and to assist with mechanical maintenance when required.
• To ensure all national and international regulations, rules, directives and directions are complied with.
• To assist in the operation and maintenance of TVs, VDUs etc. used for training.
• To maintain and repair all alarm systems, fire detection equipment and telephone systems.
• To coordinate with the Deck Officer responsible for Radio Communications in the maintenance of Bridge electronic equipment.
• To assist the Chief Engineer in the maintenance of the air conditioning & refrigeration plants.
• To maintain Electric/ Electro- hydraulic cranes, davits and refer container sockets. 

Engine cadets will be assigned duties to as are best suited to their professional advancement. They report to the Second Engineer.

Cadets are to be allocated suitable time for study, but will otherwise perform all duties as directed by the Second Engineer.

Duties may include, but are not limited to:
• Forming part of the engine room watch as directed, but never without proper supervision.
• The maintenance of tools and equipment in cooperation with Fitter.
• Maintenance of a high standard of cleanliness and good housekeeping throughout machinery spaces.
• Participating in any shipboard activity including the moving of stores, overhauling of machinery and assisting in maintenance or repairs as required or directed by the Officer in Charge.
• Cleaning, descaling, priming and painting as required.
• Reporting damages and irregularities immediately to the Second Engineer and / or OOW Engine.
• To carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Chief Engineer / Second Engineer / OOW Engine.

Training & Reporting
• Cadets must request training if required for their ongoing professional development and competence.
• Cadets must request advice on matters of safety and pollution prevention from the Second Engineer or any other officer whenever necessary to ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them.
• Engine Cadets report to the Second Engineer, however If assigned to a watch for any reason they report to the OOW.

Cadets are expected to approach all tasks and duties assigned them with an open, curious mind and to ask questions to continuously develop their own levels of competence. They are to take steps to actively guide their training, seeking out learning opportunities and experiences.

To perform himself, and/or lead those Ratings assigned to him in the performance of any agreed tasks allotted to him, and to monitor the results.

Second Engineer, Engineer Officer of the Watch, Mechanic, Fitter as appropriate. 

To command the confidence of the ship's staff by example, by fostering good working and social relationships and by developing the abilities of his subordinates.

Duties and Responsibilities
• To assist the Second Engineer in operational and maintenance planning.
• To support the shipboard organisation.
• Responsible to the Second Engineer for the effective deployment of the ratings assigned to him for operations and maintenance.
• To weld, solder, braze and gas cut as required and according to skill level.
• To carry out planned maintenance on machinery and equipment as required.
• To diagnose faults and rectify, within own skill level.
• Assist the Electrician as required.
• Assist Engineer Officers when bunkering.
• Assist in the maintenance of Engine Room portable firefighting equipment and closing appliances, flaps, ventilators, doors etc.
• Develop own knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes as well as those of subordinates - with the emphasis on acquiring additional skills.
• Carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Chief Engineer / Second Engineer / OOW Engine.
• Assist with and participate in all aspects of Safety training.
• Obtain and maintain a good knowledge of agreed policies and regulations on all aspects of shipboard work and life.
• Assist in the installation, maintenance and repair of all mechanical equipment, pipelines and valves and structural steelwork.
• Operate machine shop equipment, and be able to disassemble, overhaul and reinstall bearings, repack glands of valves.
• Maintain the engine workshop and keep a written inventory of all stores and tools, advising the Second Engineer of any shortages. Maintain all power tools and record the use of stores.
• Be able to sound tanks, void spaces and cofferdams.
• Strictly observe all safety regulations.
• Report anything which appears adverse to the safety of operations.
• Know the location and use of all firefighting and lifesaving equipment.
• Attend all drills and training as required/ directed.
• Maintain high standards of discipline and behaviour.
• Maintain high standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness both in the working environment and around the accommodation.  

To effectively carry out assigned tasks.

Second Engineer, OOW Engine, Fitter as appropriate.

Duties and Responsibilities
• To carry out all assigned duties in a safe and responsible manner.
• To assist the OOW Engine when assigned to Watch-keeping duties at sea or in port; and to remain in close contact with the OOW Engine keeping him fully informed of his/her whereabouts at all times.
• To perform any tasks for which the Rating holds particular skills or experience, as directed.
• To conduct him/herself in a manner which is conducive to fostering good working and social relationships.
• To assist in maintenance, repairs and overhauling works, as directed.
• Cleaning/ painting machinery/ engine room spaces.
• Monitoring work practices and instructing where necessary.
• Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness, both in the working environment and around the accommodation.
• Responsible for taking soundings as directed.
• Participate when required, in any shipboard activity including the moving of stores, overhauling of machinery and assisting in maintenance or repairs as required or directed by the Officer in Charge.
• Carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Chief Engineer / Second Engineer / OOW Engine.

Second Engineer, Engineer Officer of the Watch, Mechanic, Fitter as appropriate.

Duties and Responsibilities
• Assist with watch keeping duties in engine room as directed
• Understudy and participate in machinery maintenance, repair and overhauling works; Cleaning, descaling, priming and painting procedures as directed.
• Carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Chief Engineer / Second Engineer / OOW Engine.