site design templates

Designated Person Ashore (DPA)


Version 02 - Issue Date: 14.11.2020

05.1 General
The Designated Person Ashore (DPA) is to ensure the safe operation of each ship and provide a link between the Company and those onboard. It is their responsibility to verify and  monitor the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship and to ensure that adequate resources and shore-based support are applied, as appropriate.
The DPA reports to the Managing Director.

The DPA should have the qualifications, training and experience as set out in MSC-MEPC.7/Circ.6.

The DPA is required to be a full time employee and be independent of Senior Management.
05.2 Responsibilities
The DPA is responsible for: 
• Monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship;
• Ensuring that adequate resources are applied;
• Ensuring that adequate shore-based support is readily available as may be required;
• Providing a link between the Company and those on board;
• Ensuring the SMS is understood by sea staff and office employees.
• Liaising with ship masters on routine issues of the SMS.
• Identifying training requirements with respect to shore based personnel involved with the SMS.
• Maintaining the Safety Management System;
• Evaluating Incident Reports;
• Assisting Management in analysing the causes of incidents;
• Remaining conversant with changes to rules, regulations and guidelines that are relevant to the operation of the company, and advising management of these accordingly
• Planning, participating in and monitoring of internal and 3rd party audits;
• Planning Management Review meetings and keeping the minutes of those meetings.
05.3 Notification
The Ship Management Team will issue a notification to all vessels showing the identity and contact details of the DPA.
  05.4 Substitution
In the DPA’s absence the DPA or the Managing Director will issue a notification to all vessels informing them of the identity and contact details of the substitute DPA. 


14.11.2024Section amended to clarify requirement for DPA to be a full time employee independent of senior management.