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Qualification and Certification

Version 02 - Issue Date: 21.01.2024

Having properly trained and certificated personnel onboard is crucial for the safe operation of the vessel, and the company is committed to ensuring that all our personnel meet this basic requirement. In addition we as a company strive to continuously develop our personnel in key areas which can enhance the safety of the vessel.

This form provides details of the minimum required certificates for all ranks and positions onboard the vessel along with details of the minimum required validity period of certificates. The company has established procedures in the relevant section of this system for checking the validity of these documents prior to and at the time that crew members join the ship. Refer to D03 Signing On & Off.

The crew certification matrix represents the minimum required by the company for each rank or position, however this may be supplemented by additional requirements from flag or additional company requirements for specific vessels or types of vessel.

In the event of a crew member failing to meet the requirements of this matrix, the procedure described in section D03 Singing On & Off is to be followed.

All crew certificates are required to meet the requirements of the STCW Code, in its current form. When required by the flag state, appropriate endorsements of certificates should be obtained prior to joining.

Additionally, all ship’s cook’s are required to hold a certificate that meets the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC).

All crew members are required to hold a certificate of medical fitness issued by an approved/ authorised/ recognized practitioner and which meets the requirements of STCW and MLC 2006.

The medical fitness certificate must be valid for at least the period of time required by form G04 Crew Certification Matrix and must not have any limitations on the seafarer’s service.

If there is any doubt as to the validity of a crew members certificate of medical fitness, the Master must inform the ship management team immediately. The ship management team should take steps either to verify the certificate or arrange for a medical to be completed by a doctor of the company’s choosing.

All crew members are required to carry original versions of all documents required for their service onboard with them when they join the vessel. 

The Master is required to check all of the documents of a joining crew member as soon as possible after they arrive at the vessel - and in every case before the person being relieved has left the vessel - to ensure that they have all of the required documents in original format.

If copies or scans are found, the Company is to be informed immediately.

If the Master has any doubts about the accuracy of the original documents he has been presented, the Company is to be informed immediately.


When an Officer holds a Certificate of Competency issued by a state that is not the Flag State of the vessel, the Flag is required to issue an endorsement attesting the equivalency of the certificate. Failure to hold such an endorsement can result in the detention of the vessel.

Prior to joining, the Company will apply for such an endorsement, and upon receipt the Flag State issues a Certificate of Receipt of Application, enabling the seafarer to serve on the vessel for a period of up to 90 days while the application is processed.

The Company is required to follow up on the application for endorsement 30 days after it has been submitted to the Flag State, asking if any information is missing or can be provided to process the application smoothly. If the application has not been processed within 60 days, the Company is to seek clarification from the Administration and the Managing Director of the Company is to be informed, as it can take up to a month to send originals to the vessel.


21.01.2024Section 05 amended.
This section amended to clarify the requirement for crew members to carry original certificates with them when joining.
The section also makes clear that the Master must check these documents immediately when the crew member joins and inform the company if there is any doubt as to the correctness of the certificates presented.

Section 06 Flag State Officer Endorsements added.
This section sets out the requirement to apply for officer endorsements, and a process for escalation if the endorsement is not received.