
Hours of Work and Rest

Version 02 - Issue Date: 01.11.2023


It affects your concentration, health and performance.
Let's all get home safely.

Fatigue is a well recognized, major issue within the maritime industry that has resulted in serious incidents and accidents. To combat this, strict regulations are in place to control the maximum hours of work and minimum hours of rest for all seafarers.

The company is committed to ensuring that these are complied with. This section details the procedure to be followed by all personnel with respect to work and rest.

You are responsible for ensuring tha you make the most of your rest periods. Make sure you get enough sleep, avoid spending your entire rest period on your phone, laptop or other devices. When you go ashore, think carefully about how much alcohol you consume, not only does this affect your ability to perform, but excess alcohol consumption will affect your sleep.

The Master is responsible for ensuring that working schedules enable you to get sufficient rest.

Except in emergency situations, no crew member should ever be asked to work beyond the statutory maximums or rest less than the statutory minimums.

The limits on hours of work or rest shall be as follows:

• maximum hours of work shall not exceed:
14 hours in any 24 hour period
72 hours in any 7 day period


• minimum hours of rest shall not be less than:
10 hours in any 24 hour period and
77 hours in any 7 day period.

These apply to all crew including the Master.

The company has produced a set of standard working arrangements to be applied on all ships in the fleet. These are a recommendation, but the Master should inform the company if he chooses not to use these, giving details of the option he intends to use instead.

The individual contracts for each seafarer set out the expectations with respect to hours to be worked. The Master is to plan work to ensure these are achieved and overtime in excess of the fixed portion is avoided.

All Officers and crew, including the Master, are to accurately record their hours of work each day when onboard using ISF Watchkeeper.

Only if this software is not provided onboard then using form G08 Hours of Rest Record.

Records must be complete within one week of the end of the month. ISF Watchkeeper records are transmitted to the office automatically, as are any alerts regarding non-conformities with the requirements

Intentionally recording and submitting false working hours records is a serious breach of this system and the contract of employment and may result in dismissal.


01.11.2023New header section added.
Amendment table added.
Section restructued and language improved.
Responsibility for getting sufficient rest clarified.
ISF Watchkeeper clarified as main reporting tool.