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Onboard Complaints & Reports

Version 01 - Issue Date: 21.01.2024


The company is committed to making the ship a safe and happy workplace, and if there are issues we need to know
so we can do something about it.

We can only improve things if we know what the problems are, and complaints are a vital part of knowing what needs attention. We encourage reports and complaints and we will never, ever, retaliate or take negative actions against those who raise their concerns to us.

If onboard management acts in a retaliatory manner to someone who makes a complaint, we consider that to be serious misconduct.

Everyone has the right to report a problem or make a complaint, irrespective of your role on the ship, your length of service with the Company or any other factor.

Nobody has the right to stop someone from making a report or complaint.

If you wish to report an issue, you can approach any member of the onboard management, any member of the shore management or the DPA. They are obliged to confirm receipt of your report and respond to it within seven days with details of their planned actions.

If the person you make the report to does not respond, or you are not satisfied with their response, you can escalate the matter to the DPA.

We recognise that it can sometimes be challenging to report an issue or other problem to onboard leaders openly. While we strongly encourage open reporting, the Company has a tool to make anonymous reports. To make an anonymous report go to:

Your submission is entirely anonymous unless you add your name or contact information.

As we cannot respond to you directly if you make an anonymous report, you may not see the actions taken as a result of it. However, the shore team receiving it are required to review it within seven days of receiving it.

In accordance with the requirements of MLC, the company has established an onboard complaints procedure and complaint form. The procedure describes how and to who reports can be made, and provide contact information at the Flag State where complaints can be made if they are not acted on by the Company.

Every crew member is provided with a copy of this when they join the vessel, however it can also be accessed here: Onboard Complaints Procedure & Form

