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Minimum Safe Manning

Version 01 - Issue Date: 11.10.2024


That means having enough trained, quaified crew onboard
to carry out key operations, keep everyone and the ship
safe and prevent harm to the marine environment.

Every ship must have a Minimum Safe Manning Document issued by the Flag State. This sets out the minimum number of people who must be onboard, and what qualifications they must hold, for the ship to proceed safely to sea.

However, this is just the minimum. Certain operations might require more people in other roles to be onboard the ship to keep all safe. In practice, most ships are manned in excess of their minimum safe manning requirement.

In exceptional, emergency circumstances (for example illness of a crew member), it may not be possible to have the correct number of people onboard. In those cases, the Company should always make best efforts to replace any crew members first.

However, if this is not possible, the Company can request exceptional permission from the Flag State to proceed to Sea on a limited basis.

The Master must never proceed to sea with fewer people onboard than required by the Minimum Safe Manning Document without specific approval, in writing, from the Flag and the Company.

Manning requirements can change. This could be because of changes to the ship, changes to the operational trading area, any number of reasons.

Because of this, the Company is required to review the minimum safe manning levels for each ship on an annual basis to ensure they remain appropriate for the ship. This review is carried out by the shore team, but it is recommended they seek input from the Master and Chief Engineer onboard also.

A copy of the annual review of minimum safe manning should be kept ashore and onboard.

