This system has been designed to comply with relevant international and national rules and regulations.
International Requirements
The applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the International Maritime Organization and other relevant bodies have been taken into account. These include, but are not limited to, those documents referred to in:
• IMO Res. MSC.1/Circ.1371 (List of codes, recommendations, guidelines and other safety- and security-related non-mandatory instruments), superseded by:
• IMO Res. MSC.1/Circ.1371/Add.1 (Amendments to list of codes, recommendations, guidelines and other safety- and security-related non-mandatory instruments), superseded by:
• IMO Res. MSC.1/Circ.1371/Add.2 (Amendments to list of codes, recommendations, guidelines and other safety- and security-related non-mandatory instruments)
During annual verification or review of the system by the Company, it must be ensured that the system continues to comply with the above.
National Requirements
This system is compliant with national requirements of the Commonwealth of Dominica as at 01.01.2025. Any changes to Dominica National Requirements after this date are to be reviewed in accordance with the review procedures in this system, and actions taken to implement them are to be listed in this section.
- 01.01.2025: Compliance Date
All ships and the Company itself will be internally audited at least two times every year at an interval of approximately six months.
A suitably qualified auditor, appointed by the Managing Director, will audit ships and the office according to the audit schedule.
A copy of every internal audit report is to be sent to the Ship Management Team and (for a Company audit) to the ships.
1. Internal Audit Planning
An audit is a sampling process, and can rarely look into every aspect of the operation. To ensure the effectiveness of the audit process, it is therefore essential that audits are well planned in advance, with key and high risk areas identified. These areas should then form the focus of the audit (while ensuring that other areas are still effectively sampled).
To facilitate this, before the audit commences, the auditor (and team) should hold an audit planning session. In this session they should consider:
- The operation of the vessel in the past audit period
- Findings from previous internal and external audits
- Findings from other inspections of the ship
- Reported incidents
- Focus areas of the wider industry (for example, PSC CIC's, Safety Bulletins, recent incidents)
- Maintenance issues
- Other relevant areas and topics
The purpose of this assessment is to identify areas which are of higher risk or concern for the vessel, and these should be the subject of greater focus during the audit.
The audit planning phase should include as many people as possible involved in the operation of the ship, both ashore and in senior onboard positions.
2. Shipboard Internal Audits
Form FA01 (or an electronic equivalent) will be used for recording shipboard audits (or an electronic equivalent).
This form details the areas to be audited.
Internal audits are an opportunity to identify issues that require attention early, and to improve the effectiveness of the management system. To be effective the audit should bring in a range of voices and perspectives and should not be seen as a "compliance exercise". The auditor should take the time to speak with crew members to gain as deep an insight as possible into their understanding of the operation of the system.
3. Company Internal Audits
An audit report is to be prepared following the Company internal audit, and this is to be discussed with all members of the Ship Management Team.
The scope of the audit is the effective operation and implementation of this system, and the regulations which underpin it.
The Company internal audit must include at least one member (and preferably more) of the shipboard leadership team. Bringing in a voice from the ship is essential to ensuring that the audit reflects on how well the system itself operates in reality onboard the ship.
4. Post Audit Briefing
Once an audit is complete, it is essential that a detailed briefing/review is carried out so that all involved can learn from the findings and identified areas where they can adapt. Sharing the audit report is not sufficient for this purpose. The briefing is to be either a physical meeting, or a virtual/hybrid session, and should cover:
- The conduct of the audit
- The findings of the audit
- Next steps
- Follow up required
The Master will review this system, and its operation onboard annually.
The review should cover at least:
• Effect of drills and Exercises for the last year
• Accidents / incidents effective implementation of corrective action.
• Audits (internal and external)
• Open NCs or other findings
• Closed NCs and other findings
• Implementation of new regulations
• Suggestions for improvements in training
• Suggestions for improvements to this system
• Status of implementation of this system onboard
A Management review is to be held annually.
It is to be chaired by a member of the management team, and attended by all members of the Ship Management Team.
The review is to at least cover the following:
• The previous review
• Review of the Safety & Environmental Protection Policy
• Review of this system and its implementation
• Emergency preparedness
• Existing & new procedures
• Internal & External Audit findings
• Non-conformities, Accidents, Incidents, Hazardous occurrences, Condition of Class, Near Misses
• Training
• Exercises and Drills
A review report is to be prepared and signed by the Managing Director.
Shipboard operations will be monitored by the Ship Management Team through verification of forms and other reports made by the ship, and through routine inspections and audits onboard the ship.
Non-Conformities, Defects and their associated corrective and preventative actions will be monitored through to close out in a central register.
The Master must chair an onboard management meeting every month.
As a minimum the Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer and Second Engineer must attend.
A record of the meeting is to be kept and sent to the Ship Management Team.
The meeting must cover at least the following topics:
• Minutes of Last Meeting
• Any important items from the Health and Safety meeting
• Proposed Voyage Plan
• Review of Drills and Exercises
• Accident Prevention
• Audit Results
• Changes to the system
• Effectiveness of Corrective Actions.
• Changes to Regulations
• Training Requirements
• Feed-back from Third Parties (such as surveyors, auditors, inspectors)
The Safety Officer is to Chair a Health and Safety Committee Meeting every month. This meeting is not the same as the management meeting and must be held separately.
As many crew as possible should attend this meeting.
A record of the meeting is to be kept and sent to the Ship Management Team.
The meeting must cover at least the following topics:
• Minutes of last meeting
• Health and Safety Impact of upcoming voyage(s)
• Information on any new hazards or risks identified
• Any changes to working instructions or procedures
• Details of any HSQE occurrences in the previous month
• Findings from any incident reports
• Relevant new information from the wider shipping industry
• Health related topics
Every month the Ship Management Team will hold a Ship Management Team Meeting. This will be chaired by a member of the ship management team, and a record of the meeting will be kept.
The meeting must cover at least the following topics:
• Open HSQE Reports
• Recently Closed HSQE reports and findings from investigations
• Newly identified risks and hazards
• Upcoming voyages
• Changes to regulations
• Survey status of all ships
• Other relevant matters
All MSMS forms are to be reviewed by the Ship Management Team at least once a year. This review is to ensure that the form is fit for purpose, that it continues to meet any applicable requirements and that it is available to those who need it onboard. In addition, the review should confirm that the form is being used as required, and a sample should be checked.
The Company is to maintain a record of these reviews, and to keep all completed review records until the following review is complete.
The provided SafetyCulture review template ("MSMS E01.09 Annual Form Review") is to be used for this purpose.
This section is implemented on 01.10.2024 - and all MSMS forms must have a completed review on record no later than 30.09.2025.
All MSMS procedures are to be reviewed by the Ship Management Team and the Master/Chief Engineer at least once a year. This review is to ensure that the procedure is fit for purpose, that it continues to meet any applicable requirements and that it is available to those who need it onboard. In addition, the review should confirm that the procedure is being used as required, and a sample should be checked.
The Company is to maintain a record of these reviews, and to keep all completed review records until the following review is complete.
The provided SafetyCulture review template ("MSMS E01.10 Annual Procedure Review") is to be used for this purpose.
This section is implemented on 14.10.2024 - and all MSMS forms must have a completed review on record no later than 31.10.2025.
The shore team is to hold a meeting annually to review upcoming regulatory changes and determine what actions are to be taken to implement them. Minutes of the meeting should be recorded, and actions should be listed in SafetyCulture for follow up.
This requirement is to be implemented before 31.03.2025, with the first meeting carried out before then.
01.10.2024 | New header section added. Language improved for clarity. Section structure simplified New Section E01.09 Annual Review of Forms added. |
14.10.2024 | Section E01.10 Annual Review of MSMS Procedures added. This section requires that each procedure in MSMS is reviewed individually (on a staggered basis) throughout the year by the shore team and the shipboard leadership team. This is separate to the Masters annual review (which looks at the system as a whole), instead this is a more detailed section by section review. Section E01.11 Annual Regulatory Review Meeting This section requires the shore team hold an annual meeting to consider upcoming regulatory changes, and to determine what (if any actions) are to be taken to implement them. |
31.01.2025 | Section E01.02 amended to include an audit planning phase, and to require that a member of the shipboard leadership team participate in the Company Annual (shore based) Audit. |