MyriadSea Management System
Version 6.6
Emergency Contacts
web maker
Emergency Checklist - Flooding
Version: 02 Issue: 17.10.2024
Reported to the Company
Oops...! some problem!
Immediate Actions
Call the Master
Inform the Engine Room
Sound the General Alarm
As appropriate, slow or stop the vessel
Try to identify the location and cause of the flooding
Take soundings throughout the potentially affected area(s) of the ship. Keep a record and monitor changes
Take steps to reduce the impact of any flooding, as possible
Prepare LSA Life-Saving Equipment
Secondary Actions
Inform the Company
Inform relevant authorities as appropriate (eg. Coastal or Port State)
Attempt to calculate the rate of ingress
Consider what actions can be taken to stop the flooding (for example, pumping, preventing water moving from one space to another)
Consider if external support is required, and take steps to arrange this
Consider the possibility of oil or other noxious liquid spill. Prepare SOPEP equipment.
Before proceeding, consider seeking expert advice on whether it is safe to proceed. If the vessel does proceed, taking ongoing soundings to monitor condition at all times.
Follow-Up Actions
Keep records of all actions taken.
Keep the Company closely informed.
By clicking "Report", your checklist will be submitted to the Company.