MyriadSea Management System
Version 6.6
Emergency Contacts
web builder
Emergency Checklist - Collision
Version: 02 Issue: 17.10.2024
Reported to the Company
Oops...! some problem!
Immediate Actions
Call the Master
Sound the General Alarm
Prepare LSA Life-Saving Appliances
Issue a Distress call
Account for all personnel, check for injuries
Check integrity of the hull, take actions to address any water ingress
Consider the possibility of oil or other noxious liquid spill. Prepare SOPEP equiment.
Consider immediate actions required for safe navigation (anchoring, similar)
Inform shipping in the vicinity
Record time and position of the collision
Secondary Actions
Inform the Company
Take all steps required to protect own vessel (eg. respond to damage, fire, or other onboard emergencies)
Contact the other vessel involved. If able, and safe to do so, offer whatever assistance able
Inform relevant authorities (eg. coastal state, port state, flag state)
If external assistance is required, take steps to arrange
Follow-Up Actions
Keep the company well informed
Keep records of all actions taken by your or the other vessel
By clicking "Report", your checklist will be submitted to the Company.